Participant's vehicle must be insured by participant. Neither the Romeo Lions Club, Michigan Peach Festival, Leader
Dogs or Ford Motor Co. their agents, employees, or representatives shall be held responsible for ANY loss or damage to
the participants vehicle, persons or property. Participant shall follow all event rules set up by the event management and
said management will have final athority concering any event decisions. Participant must be 18 years or older. If under 18,
parent or lrgal guardian must sign and accept responsibility for participants actions. Signature of Paticipant (and Legal
Guardian if applicable)
_____________________________ _____________________________
if under 18 Legal Guardian
Music, rides, food, vendors, monster truck rides and all day fun.
snail mail Car Show c/o Paul Krenke, 34771 E. Marino Ct., Chesterfield, Mi 48047