All money from these events is contributed to the
blind, less fortunate and community needs. Our membership dues pays for all dinner meeting meals as well as the club's operating
Program, (first week of January) The Lion members help our local church house & feed the homeless for one
Nomination of Officers (2nd meeting in January) Selection of members to
be elected to a club board position.
Wild Game Dinner (last weekend of February)
"A taste of the north. "We serve up exotic dishes from members hunting trips along with traditional plates. Also includes
a salad and dessert bar along with beer & wine.
District Convention (last weekend in March) This is where we elect the officers
for next year.
International Convention (first weekend of April) Clubs from all around the
world attend. Detroit/Windsor will host the 2004 convention.
Run for Life (April) spin off of the Peach Festival Fun Run to raise funds
for A.C.S. Relay for Life event. Schedule to be announced.
Relay for Life (April) Lions man the kitchen to feed the participants in the
American Cancer Society's 24 hour event.
Adopt a Plane (April) The club helps maintain a plane at the Selfridge Air
White Cane Week (end of April) A ten-day period where
one will find Lion members on street corners, grocery stores and any place that people congregate. The funds generated from
this activity traditionally go directly to Rochester Leader Dogs for the blind school.
Club Installation of Officers (3rd Monday in June) Spouses are invited to dinner
and formal installation of new board of directors.
Community Picnic (3rd Wednesday of June) Romeo Lions joins Parks & Rec
to cook during the free concert in the park.
Family Picnic (June) Hot Dogs and fellowship. Members get to know each other
and our families with activities for the children.
Lions Golf Outing
(last Saturday of July) A day of food, fun & naturally golf. Held at the lovely Romeo Golf Course, lunch is served
at the course and dinner at the clubhouse. This event is often sold out before its formal announcement.
Michigan Peach Festival (Labor Day weekend) This event is so large it has it's own web page. Please visit us
at the Festival where one will find events for any interest.
Romeo Road Rally
(October) A scavenger hunt in your car and dinner after the ride. The events proceeds go to the Penrickton Center for blind children.
Goodfellows Paper Sale
(1st Weekend in December) Lion members and other service groups sell the special spoof edition of the Romeo
Observer newspaper to provide a Christmas for every child that might not have food and gifts on that special day.
Community Tree Lighting (1st Thursday in December) Lions serve hot chocolate
& cookies during Parks & Rec program of Christmas Carols and Santa's first visit to Romeo.
Children's Christmas Party (3rd Monday of December) Lions & Toys for Tots entertain
local children referred by area agencies.
The Romeo Lions Club has a new 80 x 120 community building with full kitchen, if you have an
idea for a joint venture fundraiser, please contact the club at 810-752-2553 or e-mail -